Thanh Cong Medical Clinic
Thanh Cong Medical Clinic

Thanh Cong Medical Clinic has been a prestigious medical clinic of residents nearby Tan Binh Industrial Park until now. So, why should choose Thanh Cong Medical Clinic? Let’s take a look several reasons hereinafter which create our successful reputation for quality nowadays.  

1. Qualified doctors

A group of doctors working for Thanh Cong Medical Clinic are well-educated, professional and experienced in the medical field. It obviously becomes the first essential answer for the question of why should choose Thanh Cong Medical Clinic. In addition, high-tech facilities has been invested carefully to increase the accuracy of examination results leading to the most effective diagnosis and treatments.  

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2. Convenient location

Thanh Cong Medical Clinic located at No. 36 Tay Thanh Street (Road CN4), Tay Thanh Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City is admitted to be a convenient location of Tan Binh Industrial Park for regular health check-up and medical treatments. This is also a bottom line for customers to consider choosing us.  

3. Diversity of service

Come to Thanh Cong Medical Clinic, customers have variety of choices based on their own purposes and demands. Today, at Thanh Cong Medical Clinic, we offer these following examination services and treatments:

  • National Health Service: with National Healthcare Code 79-483, it is now very easy and convenient for customers to buy National Healthcare Cards at Thanh Cong Medical Clinic.
  • Specialities: General internal medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and gynaecology, Family medicine, Paediatrics, Ophthalmology, Ear-Nose-Threat, Dentistry, Dermatology, Laboratory, Ultra-sound, X-ray and other specialities are provided by a qualified and enthusiastic team of specialists.  
  • Health check-up packages: are full of examination service including eyes, ears, noses, throats, electrocardiogram, X-ray screening of hearts and lungs, ultra-sound abdomen, blood tests, glucose in blood, cholesterol in blood, function of livers and kidneys, etc. Depending on your demands, or your ages, or your circumstance of health, we will offer a suitable health check-up package.
  • Make an appointment: this service is for customers who are busy or just want to save their waiting time. You will be examined and diagnosed on time as scheduled without any waiting time.

These are ones of many reasons why you should choose Thanh Cong Medical Clinic for healthcare service of yours and your beloved family. Your satisfaction is our team happiness, as Thanh Cong Medical Clinic’s motto “Be healthy to succeed”. We hope that our customers always have happy time at Thanh Cong Medical Clinic.

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